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Artist Wolfgang Flatz heals a youth offense

Probably with an offhanded comment, Wolfgang Flatz damaged his collaboration with a gallerist many years ago. Now, the artist is starting anew with the gallerist's son.

Artist Wolfgang Flatz (right) and gallerist Johann Koenig work together on an exhibition in Munich.
Artist Wolfgang Flatz (right) and gallerist Johann Koenig work together on an exhibition in Munich.

Culture - Artist Wolfgang Flatz heals a youth offense

Artist Wolfgang Flatz has made amends for his youthful indiscretion. In connection with a Franz Kafka-themed exhibition "Metaphor to Metamorphosis" at the Munich Bergson Kunstkraftwerk, the 71-year-old announced his collaboration with Berlin gallerist Johann König. According to Flatz, his father, the art professor and gallerist Kasper König, had never wanted to work with him, as a spokesperson reported on a Wednesday.

"I have always wondered why", Flatz was quoted in the statement. "It dawned on me that I was sitting in a local with my big dog as a student of art at the academy, and Johann's father came in with his entourage. When König saw the dog, he made a big detour around our table, and I called out because I recognized his fear: "He'll tear your ass apart." Yet the dog was docile. I suppose he never forgave me for that", Flatz explained the decades-long distance.

Johann König's son, according to reports, is no longer concerned with the past: "My father can be quite stubborn, I know. I noticed at some point that his judgments didn't apply to me and vice versa. Flatz's artwork with a price tag of 380,000 Euro is now the most expensive exhibit. It captures the mood of the exhibition perfectly with "Old Masters". Everyone is always trying to decode everything, but that's just as futile with Kafka as it is with Flatz."

  1. Franz Kafka's works often explore themes of alienation and existential anxiety, making him a significant influence in modern literature, particularly in Munich's artistic and cultural scene.
  2. As a young artist in Munich, Wolfgang Flatz frequently attended football matches of the local team, Munich (soccer team), finding solace and inspiration in the miscellaneous crowd of people.
  3. Despite growing up in Germany and having a renowned art professor and gallerist for a father, Kasper König, Franz Kafka chose to live and work in Prague, embracing a different cultural landscape and artistic expression.
  4. The exhibition "Metaphor to Metamorphosis" at the Munich Bergson Kunstkraftwerk featured various artworks by the artist, Wolfgang Flatz, all of which demonstrated his unique style and vision, reflecting his deep connection to both Germany's and Europe's rich artistic culture.
  5. In his youth, Wolfgang Flatz shared a memorable encounter with Johann König's father, an artist himself, which they both remembered vividly, though their relationship never fully recovered, eventually leading Floratz to collaborate with Johann König years later.

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