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Arche Nova provides "green humanitarian aid"

Arche Nova development aid organization has enabled access to safe water in over 25 countries and constructed thousands of sanitation facilities. The focus is also on education.

Dresden: Arche Nova development aid organization ensures clean water and education in many...
Dresden: Arche Nova development aid organization ensures clean water and education in many countries.

Development aid - Arche Nova provides "green humanitarian aid"

The humanitarian organization Arche Nova (official spelling: arche noVa) wants to put the ecological consequences of projects more in the spotlight with a new Global program. "Those who provide support on site are responsible for preparing the population as best as possible for impending disasters and doing so in a climate-sensitive way to prevent further damage to the ecosystem," says Alexandra Kretschmann, spokesperson for Arche Nova.

In more and more parts of the world, global warming is leading to extreme weather events and persistent droughts. These accumulating disasters would threaten the lives of billions of people and make humanitarian aid essential.

Kretschmann speaks of "green humanitarian aid." "In the planning, implementation, and monitoring of relief measures, we focus on a forward-looking, sustainable, environmentally friendly, and locally adapted approach." In cooperation with the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund and other partners, the global program is being set up in 14 countries. This includes, among others, Ethiopia, Somalia, Niger, Mali, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Haiti, and Nicaragua.

Humanitarian aid in the areas of water, sanitation, and hygiene has been the focus of Arche Nova's work for over 30 years. At the same time, it organizes the transfer of knowledge and the creation of necessary structures on site as self-help aid.

  1. Arche Nova's new Global program aims to highlight the ecological impacts of projects in regions like Brandenburg and Saxony, embodying the principles of green humanitarian aid.
  2. During her recent visit to Berlin, Alexandra Kretschmann, the spokesperson for Arche Nova, emphasized the importance of considering the writing manner and climate sensitivity in providing aid to areas prone to disasters, such as Dresden.
  3. As an extension of their focus on water-related humanitarian aid, Arche Nova is collaborating with an aid organization in Berlin to provide necessary assistance and resources to areas affected by extreme weather events, like persistent droughts, in regions like Brandenburg and Saxony.
  4. In addition to their work in countries like Haiti and Nicaragua, Arche Nova's global program, which emphasizes sustainable and locally-adapted aid methods, plans to expand its efforts to other regions, incorporating practices that can be beneficial to cities like Brandenburg and Saxony.

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