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Application rejected - AfD will file a complaint

The AfD failed with an urgent application against the classification as legally right-wing extremist tendencies at the Administrative Court of Dresden. It is now supposed to go to the next instance.

By the end of 2023, the Constitutional Protection had classified the Saxon branch of the AfD as...
By the end of 2023, the Constitutional Protection had classified the Saxon branch of the AfD as securely right-wing extremist.

Constitutional Protection Classification - Application rejected - AfD will file a complaint

The Saxon AfD intends to appeal against the rejection of its urgent application against the designation as a securely right-wing extremist tendency by the Constitutional Protection Authority. "We will file a complaint after reviewing the justification", Andreas Harlaß, spokesperson for AfD Saxony, stated in response to an inquiry.

The Administrative Court of Dresden had rejected the urgent application and announced the decision of the party and the Constitutional Protection Authority on Tuesday. Within two weeks, the parties involved can file a complaint at the Higher Administrative Court in Bautzen.

The Constitutional Protection Authority had classified the Saxon state branch of the AfD as a "securely right-wing extremist tendency" in December 2023. With its urgent application, the AfD aimed to prevent the Constitutional Protection Authority from classifying, observing, treating, examining, and/or leading it accordingly. The complaint also targeted the public announcement of the designation. In addition, the publication of a report that served as the basis for the designation was demanded.

The Administrative Court rejected all three points. There are sufficient factual indications that the applicant pursues endeavors that are directed against the human dignity of certain person groups and against the democratic principle, the court stated.

  1. Despite the Saxon AfD's intent to strive against the classification as a right-wing extremist tendency, their urgent application was rejected by the Administrative Court in Dresden.
  2. Andreas Harlass, the spokesperson for AfD Saxony, expressed their intention to file a complaint following the rejection, noting that they needed to review the justification provided by the court.
  3. The rejection of the AfD's complaint means that they now have two weeks to file an appeal at the Higher Administrative Court in Bautzen.
  4. The Constitutional Protection Authority's designation of the Saxon state branch of the AfD as a "securely right-wing extremist tendency" has been upheld by the Administrative Court, following their investigation of the party's endeavors and their impact on human dignity and democratic principles.
  5. The AfD's complaint against the classification and the public announcement of it, as well as their demand for the publication of the report that served as the basis for the designation, were all rejected by the Administrative Court in Dresden.
  6. The classification of the AfD in Saxony as a right-wing extremist tendency by the Constitutional Protection Authority has significant consequences for the party, including potential restrictions on their activities and funding in Germany.

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