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Apartment in Ravensburg district on fire

In Bergatreute, a fire breaks out in a multi-family house. Three residents sustain light carbon monoxide poisoning.

In Ravensburg, a rooftop apartment was on fire (archive image)
In Ravensburg, a rooftop apartment was on fire (archive image)

Apartment fire - Apartment in Ravensburg district on fire

In a multi-family house in Bergatreute, in the Ravensburg district, a attic apartment is completely burnt out. The police reported that the fire broke out around 5:00 p.m. in the apartment, of unknown origin. The volunteer fire department had to open the roof during firefighting to reach hot spots. Three residents suffered from light carbon monoxide poisoning while leaving the house and were taken to a nearby hospital as a precaution. The damage is estimated to be around 200,000 Euros. The firefighting efforts are expected to continue into the night.

The fire incident occurred in Ravensburg, specifically in the district of Bergatreute. Authorities in Baden-Württemberg, including the police, are investigating the cause of the apartment fire in Ravensburg.

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