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Animal protectors protest at the traditional fishing day

Every year in the summer, the fishing of the Stadtbach in Memmingen becomes a big spectacle. Animal rights activists view this critically and use the colorful commotion for their unsanctioned protest.

A fisherman at the Memmingen Fishing Day is pleased with his caught trout. Animal rights activists...
A fisherman at the Memmingen Fishing Day is pleased with his caught trout. Animal rights activists used the event once again to protest against what they consider inhumane tradition.

Custom - Animal protectors protest at the traditional fishing day

At the traditional Fisher's Day, around 1,200 people had gathered in Memminger Stadtbach in the morning to fish for trout using nets. Animal rights activists used the event to protest against what they consider to be cruel tradition.

According to reports from Peta and the Police, an activist had climbed onto the stage and taken the microphone. Three other persons demonstrated nearby with signs, one of which read "Fishing is Murder". The police spokesperson confirmed that the identities of the demonstrators were recorded. Since the protest action was not registered, the quartet now faces a complaint.

According to a spokesperson for the Fisher's Day association, approximately 1,180 people participated in fishing in the creek. The Fisher King was reportedly a participant who had caught a 2.5 kg trout. The event, according to the association, has a history over 400 years old. Historically, it was about emptying the creek once a year to drain the water and clean the canal. Today, the event has long since become a large folk festival.

Not only Animal Rights Activists have criticized the traditional event for a long time. In the past, women were not allowed to participate in the event. An affected person saw this as discrimination and went to court to secure her right to participate. This year, four female participants had entered the water, the association spokesperson said.

The state government had added the spectacle in Memmingen to the list of intangible cultural heritage in Bavaria along with other traditional events a few months ago. Peta had already protested against this. "The Memminger Fisher's Day deserves no more than the bullfight the status of intangible cultural heritage, but should be banished from the history books due to animal suffering and violation of animal protection law", said Tanja Breining, Fish Expert from Peta. The organization demands that the entry in the state register be revoked.

Peta Press Release

  1. Despite the criticisms from animal protectors like Peta, the traditional Fisher's Day in Memmingen managed to secure a place on Bavaria's list of intangible cultural heritage at the administrative level.
  2. The level of participation in this year's Fisher's Day in Memmingen was high, with 1,180 people engaging in fishing and four women bravely participating, challenging the historical norms.
  3. Following a protest at the Fisher's Day event in Memmingen, three activists demonstrated with signs, including one that read "Fishing is Murder," while an individual climbed onto the stage and took the microphone, causing a stir.

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