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An 84-year-old sleeps with a cigarette - Danger to life

The man was on fire. Nursing staff extinguished it. Then came the paramedics and the ambulance.

A burning cigarette had life-threatening consequences for an 84-year-old (Photo symbol)
A burning cigarette had life-threatening consequences for an 84-year-old (Photo symbol)

Fire in Altenheim - An 84-year-old sleeps with a cigarette - Danger to life

An 84-year-old man fell asleep in a nursing home in Aachen with a burning cigarette - and stood in flames. The man was in critical condition, according to the fire department. Care personnel extinguished the flames, but the man had already been burned all over his body. A doctor and paramedics then treated the 84-year-old. According to the police, the man had fallen asleep in a chair. Then, loud alarm sounded from the fire alarm system in the home. The paramedics also investigated the care personnel. No injuries were reported.

The incident occurred in the nursing home located in Aachen, Germany. The fire department received an emergency call due to a life-threatening situation caused by a cigarette. The elderly man, from North Rhine-Westphalia, was in critical condition with burns all over his body. Despite the quick response from the care personnel who put out the fire, the doctor and paramedics were needed to provide further care. Fortunately, no other injuries were reported among the care personnel.

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