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Allianz proposes cuts to bureaucracy

100 measures should ensure less bureaucracy in the Southwest. Developed in collaboration by the state, municipalities, and Economy. However, not everyone is satisfied with that.

A coalition of government, businesses, and municipalities have proposed new ideas for reducing...
A coalition of government, businesses, and municipalities have proposed new ideas for reducing bureaucracy in Baden-Wuerttemberg, but they don't go far enough for some.

Regulations - Allianz proposes cuts to bureaucracy

A coalition of state government, municipalities, and businesses has proposed additional measures to reduce "bureaucracy" in the South. With the 100-point package, concrete bureaucratic problems that were causing pain for businesses and municipalities will be addressed, stated State Minister Florian Stegmann (Greens), head of the State Chancellery. "The second relief package is another step towards strengthening the future and competitiveness of the state."

However, the municipalities and business associations are not fully satisfied with the package. While it is generally positive that there is a package, it was stated in a joint statement that "we must also acknowledge that this package falls short of the self-set goals of the relief alliance." The results are not sufficient, making it impossible to achieve a noticeable relief.

What are the associations demanding?

The municipal associations are demanding the waiver of citizen referendums when it comes to "community-related infrastructure," such as schools, kindergartens, or affordable housing. The businesses are advocating for simplified procurement law and simplifications in tax law and labor law.

According to the measures of the Alliance, certain approval procedures are to be digitalized and simplified, and several Federal Council initiatives for the simplification of federal regulations are planned. In February, the Alliance already presented the first package with several measures, as stated by the Ministry of State.

  1. The businesses in Southwest Germany are urging for a simplified procurement law, which they believe will be beneficial for the company's operations.
  2. Allianz, as part of the coalition, has proposed digitalizing and simplifying certain approval procedures to reduce bureaucratic hurdles.
  3. The demolition of an old building in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, was delayed due to complex bureaucratic processes, highlighting the need for change in the current system.
  4. The government of Baden-Württemberg, in collaboration with the municipalities and businesses, is aiming to abolish the need for citizen referendums in specific community-related infrastructure projects, such as preschools and affordable housing, in an attempt to streamline bureaucratic procedures.
  5. The private sector, including Southwest Company, is advocating for simplifications in tax law and labor law, as these areas are often seen as overly bureaucratic and hindering business growth.

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