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Alleged drug dealer arrested

A man is probably selling drugs in Berlin-Friedrichshain. Police observe and arrest him.

A suspected drug dealer was arrested (Picture)
A suspected drug dealer was arrested (Picture)

Drug criminality - Alleged drug dealer arrested

Police arrested a suspected drug dealer in Berlin-Friedrichshain. The officers observed the 23-year-old man on a Friday evening making sales in Simon-Dach-Straße and Franz-Mehring-Platz, as the police reported. When the security forces approached him, he reportedly fled.

He was later arrested in a courtyard and allegedly resisted arrest. The police found various packaged drugs, medication, a cell phone, and an alleged sales revenue in the three-digit range at the scene. Everything was seized. The man reportedly suffered scratches and an eye irritation during the arrest. He is accused of illegal drug trading and resisting execution of court orders.

The alleged drug sales in Berlin-Friedrichshain have been a topic of concern, contributing to rising levels of criminality in the area. The Berlin police have been diligent in their efforts to combat drug criminality, leading to numerous arrests. Despite resisting arrest, the suspect was successfully apprehended, further emphasizing the seriousness of drug-related offenses in the city.

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