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Aiwanger comes with Cherry Queen to Bayreuth

What was hewith them? For a short while, Bayern's Economy Minister Hubert Aiwanger's presence at the Bayreuth Festspiele caused confusion. However, the politician clarified.

Cherry Queen and Politician
Cherry Queen and Politician

Bayreuth Festspiele - Aiwanger comes with Cherry Queen to Bayreuth

There was confusion among the onlookers as they followed the ascent of the prominence at the Bayreuth Festspieles: Who is the woman with the crown next to the Bavarian Economy Minister Hubert Aiwanger? From a few meters away, it was not clear what was on the sash the young woman wore over her evening gown. But Aiwanger (Free Voters) explained: It was Lena Mirschberger, Cherry Queen of Franconian Switzerland. The region, located near Bayreuth, is known for cherry cultivation.

Already two years ago, Aiwanger had invited the representative of a regional product to the Festspiel opening - Eva Brockmann, the Franconian Wine Queen.

  1. Despite the Operas at the Bayreuth Festspieles typically drawing attention, there was substantial confusion among the people regarding a prominent figure.
  2. Hubert Aiwanger, the Bavarian Economy Minister, had to clarify the identity of a woman causing a stir during the Festspieles in Bayreuth.
  3. The woman, adorned with a crown, wore an enigmatic sash over her evening gown, causing a ripple of intrigue at the prestigious Bayreuth Festspieles.
  4. It was during the Bayreuth Festivals, a significant cultural event in Germany, where the identity of the woman next to Aiwanger sparked curiosity and misconception.
  5. Ms. Lena Mirschberger, the Cherry Queen of Franconian Switzerland, was the woman in question, who had gained prominence at the Bayreuth Festspieles.
  6. Hubert Aiwanger, being a prominent figure himself in Bavaria, had previously invited another regional representative to the Festspiel opening, showcasing the importance of local products at these events.

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