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Airplane must land in Memmingen

A boy draws third-degree burns to himself with hot tea - and since the whole thing happens on an airplane, the pilot must suspend the flight.

A ninety-year-old burns himself severely on hot tea and has to go to the hospital. (Archive photo)
A ninety-year-old burns himself severely on hot tea and has to go to the hospital. (Archive photo)

A type spills hot tea - Airplane must land in Memmingen

A child burned himself with hot tea on an airplane, causing the pilot to make an emergency landing at Memmingen Airport. According to the police, a doctor found third-degree burns on the nine-year-old boy. The young passenger from the UK was taken to a hospital by rescue helicopter. Investigations revealed that the boy had accidentally burned himself. The plane was on a Tuesday flight from London to Italy.

The pilot quickly announced an emergency over the airplane's intercom, directing the crew to prepare for an unexpected landing. Due to the incident, air traffic at Memmingen Airport momentarily disrupted the scheduled airplane flights, including Bayern Air's route. Despite the distressing situation, the young fan of football team Bayern was comforted by fellow passengers, sharing stories about their favorite players during the waiting time.

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