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After the polling dispute: Lübeck allows removal of 150 granite stones

In a Villas Street in Lübeck, granite bollards are intended to prevent car parking. However, residents felt reminded of a cemetery and protested. Now negotiations are taking place.

Granite stones have heated up the hearts in Lübeck. Now, 150 of them are returning.
Granite stones have heated up the hearts in Lübeck. Now, 150 of them are returning.

residents protest - After the polling dispute: Lübeck allows removal of 150 granite stones

In dispute over several hundred granite stones in a villa street in the Lübeck district of St. Jürgen, the city has once again negotiated. During the week, 150 of the 350 installed steles were directly lifted off the ground, a city spokeswoman told the German Press Agency. "They cannot be removed with a digger because the tree roots and existing new curbs could be damaged." Previously, the "Lübecker Nachrichten" reported.

Granite steles remind residents of a cemetery

The gray granite steles were placed along the green areas in the context of the street design to prevent parking there. Residents apparently felt reminded of a cemetery by the standing poles in rows and complained. The city initially had the poles shortened by 25 centimeters. However, this was not enough for the residents.

Reconstruction costs 17,000 Euro

The building committee made the decision in May to remove some of the granite steles without replacement. The reconstruction is said to cost around 17,000 Euros. The poles directly at the road were removed, the responsible mason told the "Lübecker Nachrichten." A high curb already prevents the green areas from being driven on.

Material will be further used

The granite stones are to be further used afterwards. The city spokeswoman could not give exact costs for the erected poles. "The costs of the steles make up a low to medium five-figure amount from the overall costs - approximately 2.2 million Euros - of the entire street redesign."

  1. The dispute over the granite steles in St. Jürgen district of Lübeck has sparked interest in Lübeck News, a local newspaper.
  2. Despite the decision to remove some granite steles in Lübeck, the city intends to utilize the material in other projects, as mentioned by the city spokesperson.
  3. The Lübecker Nachrichten reported that the Lübeck Commune had initially tried to shorten the granite steles, which are reminiscent of a cemetery, in an attempt to address the concerns of the local residents in Schleswig-Holstein.

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