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After the murder in Herrsching: Forest searched

After the killing of a pensioner in Herrsching, investigations are continuing at full speed. Now there was a large-scale search operation in the surroundings.

A murder offense disturbs the idyllic reign at Ammersee. Now the police hope for tips from the...
A murder offense disturbs the idyllic reign at Ammersee. Now the police hope for tips from the population.

Violence - After the murder in Herrsching: Forest searched

After the violent death of a 74-year-old in Herrsching at Ammersee, the police searched a nearby wooded area with hundreds of officers. During the operation on a Wednesday, a 120-member unit of the Dachau Readiness Police was involved, according to the police. "Relevant procedural items" were found, the police reported. These cannot be named at the current stage of investigations. So far, over 80, mostly valuable tips from the population have been evaluated by the police.

According to previous knowledge, the alleged perpetrator is said to have approached and killed the pensioner in a single-family house in the Mühlfeld district last week. The victim's wife was able to escape to a neighbor, who alerted the Police. The alleged perpetrator is said to have fled at the time. The police found the body of the 74-year-old in the house.

The police have recently released photos of a suspect to the public. According to previous knowledge, the man had already spent several hours in Herrsching before the incident, it was said. He may therefore also be seen on photos and videos, such as from surveillance cameras. The investigating authorities are calling on anyone who has such material to make it available to the police - also online.

The published images show a man with light, blond hair and a beard. One comes from a camera in a supermarket and shows the unknown man browsing in the hygiene products section. Two more were taken at the single-family house.

  1. The increase in criminality in Upper Bavaria, including incidents like the recent Mord in Herrsching, has raised concerns among locals and authorities alike.
  2. The police are urging the public to remain vigilant following the violent death in Herrsching, advising them to report any suspicious activities or unusual sightings near Lake Ammersee or Dachau.
  3. Germany's national news outlets have been reporting extensively on the ongoing investigation, highlighting the urgency to apprehend the perpetrator responsible for the tragic Tod in Herrsching.
  4. The chief of police in Bavaria has expressed his condolences to the victim's family and reassured citizens that the investigation into this heinous crime is a top priority for local law enforcement.
  5. As the search for the suspect continues, the police have announced a reward of up to 50,000 euros for information leading to the arrest of the individual responsible for the murder in Herrsching.

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