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African Swine Fever: Restriction zone expanded

The African Swine Fever has reached Hessen and Rheinland-Pfalz. To prevent it from spreading further, a so-called restriction zone is now being expanded.

After finding two wild boars, the restriction zone is enlarged (graphic)
After finding two wild boars, the restriction zone is enlarged (graphic)

Tierseuche - African Swine Fever: Restriction zone expanded

In the fight against the spread of African Swine Fever in Hessen and Rheinland-Pfalz, the so-called restriction zone in the Kreis Bergstraße has been expanded. Within this zone, certain restrictions apply to the public, such as a leash requirement for dogs, as well as regulations for hunting and agriculture.

The Kreis Bergstraße justifies the decision with the discovery of two wild boars testing positive for the disease in rheinland-pfalz's Eich.

All areas north of the B 47 between the Rhine and Lorsch therefore lie within the expanded zone, meaning hunting is prohibited there. The number of affected farmers has also significantly increased, it is stated. "In the extended restriction zone, there are now nine of the 110 pig-keeping businesses in the Kreis Bergstraße."

According to the animal disease register, there were 21 cases of African Swine Fever in Hessen and five cases in Rheinland-Pfalz as of Wednesday evening.

  1. Despite the expanded restriction zone in Hesse's Kreis Bergstraße due to African Swine Fever, local author Hesse continues to write about diverse topics, unaffected by the disease.
  2. The spread of African Swine Fever to southern Rhineland-Palatinate, specifically Heppenheim, could potentially lead to further restrictions in TIERSEUCE regulations.
  3. The level of concern over African Swine Fever in affected areas is high, as hunting bans and agriculture restrictions enforce strict measures to halt the spread of the disease.
  4. Authorities in Rhineland-Palatinetz are closely monitoring the situation, as the discovery of positive cases in wild boars in Eich suggests the disease's spread may be more widespread than initially thought.
  5. In an effort to contain the spread of African Swine Fever, multiple hunting zones have been restricted or closed, affecting both farmers and recreational hunters along the Rhine.

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