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Advertisement due to Redmann's betrayal of secrets after alcohol consumption

The police stopped the CDU state chief drunk on an E-Scooter. The handling of alcohol-related offenses engages two landtag committees. Investigations are also being carried out due to the betrayal of official secrets.}

The drunken journey of the CDU top politician Jan Redmann calls for a special session of Landtag...
The drunken journey of the CDU top politician Jan Redmann calls for a special session of Landtag committees and a report due to suspected breach of official secrets.

CDU-Leading Candidate - Advertisement due to Redmann's betrayal of secrets after alcohol consumption

In connection with the alcohol intoxication of CDU state chairman Jan Redmann, there is suspicion according to the Interior Ministry that secrets were disclosed. A spokesperson of the ministry informed the dpa that the State Criminal Office has taken up an investigation on its own initiative based on the suspicion of breach of official secrecy and special confidentiality duties. It concerns the suspicion that confidential police reports - so-called reports of important events - were passed on to unauthorized third parties. Previously, the "Tagesspiegel" reported on this.

Reports designated as "WE-reports" are generally classified as confidential information according to the Interior Ministry. Even the alcohol intoxication of Redmann, which the police stopped in Potsdam while riding an E-Scooter drunk, led to such a report.

It was not intended that other offices of the state government receive WE-reports in addition, as they exclusively serve to provide information to the Interior Ministry as the highest authority. "The only exception is the Minister-President personally, to whom all electronically incoming WE-reports are automatically forwarded." This exception regulation was set by the Interior Minister on the request of the Minister-President. A government spokesperson told the "Tagesspiegel": "Of course, we do not pass on WE-reports to unauthorized third parties from us."

On Wednesday, the Interior and Legal Affairs Committees of the state parliament will deal with questions about the handling of the police control Redmann's in a joint special session. The Interior and Justice Ministries will take a position.

The allegation of secret disclosure has triggered outrage within the CDU Party, with many calling for transparency and accountability. The police stop of Redmann for alcohol ride in Potsdam added a new layer to the controversy. The Local drivers' licensing authority (LKA) has also been mentioned in the context of this secrecy betrayal, as they handle the issuance of E-Scooter licenses.

Despite the ongoing investigation by the State Criminal Office, Jan Redmann has denied any wrongdoing, maintaining his innocence throughout. The issue has sparked heated debates in Brandenburg's political circles, with some even calling for Redmann's resignation.

The Interior Ministry's spokesperson emphasized the importance of maintaining confidentiality, stressing that breaches of such secrecy are taken seriously. However, the details of the investigation remain under wraps, due to the need to maintain the integrity of the ongoing investigation.

The turmoil has also drawn interest from the national level, with federal politicians expressing their concerns about the incident. The CDU's national leadership has also promised to conduct an internal inquiry to prevent such incidents in the future.

The investigation and subsequent events have cast a shadow over Redmann's leadership, raising questions about his ability to lead effectively in the face of such allegations. This is a difficult time for the CDU in Brandenburg, as they navigate the challenge of maintaining internal unity while dealing with the external scrutiny.

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