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Actress Janina Uhse about playing: Wants to win

Janina Uhse is playful, she comes from a circus family. But in social games, she is 'very tough' as she puts it.

During playing, Janina Graspes the ambition.
During playing, Janina Graspes the ambition.

movie - Actress Janina Uhse about playing: Wants to win

Actress Janina Uhse ("The Name") gets competitive while playing. "I'd like to win sometimes," said the 34-year-old to the "Berliner Morgenpost." Others take it more lightly in comparison, she noticed in herself a resilience after losses, but she also tries to suppress it.

When her little son grows up to the age for board games, she wouldn't let him win every time, she told the newspaper. "I want to prepare him well for the world. In reality, one doesn't win automatically," so the actress, who became known through GZSZ. Uhse is currently appearing in the film "Spieleabend" on Netflix.

Janina Uhse shared her competitive nature with the "Berlin Morgenpost," expressing her desire to win occasionally in games. Born and raised in Germany, she is currently starring in the movie "Spieleabend" on Netflix. During a conversation with the newspaper, she mentioned her intention to teach her son about the reality of not always winning in board games.

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