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According to the 'Compact' ban: The summer festival should not take place.

A few days ago, the far-right magazine 'Compact' was banned. A planned summer festival in Sachsen-Anhalt was also banned. The organizer protests against this.

Court confirms decision - According to the 'Compact' ban: The summer festival should not take place.

After the ban on a "Compact" Summer Festival by the right-wing magazine "Compact," a planned "Summer Festival of Press Freedom" for Saturday could not take place at the same location. The Administrative Court Halle confirmed, according to its own statements, a prohibition order from the responsible police inspection. The chamber agreed with the police's opinion that it was a replacement event for the banned "Compact" magazine, said Court President Andreas Pfersich. An appeal can still be filed at the Higher Administrative Court. The festival was to take place at the estate of former AfD politician André Poggenburg.

The "Compact" magazine was banned by the Federal Interior Ministry a week ago. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies the magazine as right-wing extremist. Therefore, the Saturday Summer Festival of the magazine on the estate of former AfD Landesvorsitzender Poggenburg in Burgenlandkreis was also prohibited. His residence has been in the focus of authorities for some time, as it is considered a meeting place for the so-called New Right. In the context of the ban, there was also a search by the authorities on the estate.

New Summer Festival at the same time and place

Martin Sellner, a right-wing activist, was among those announced for the Summer Festival. After the ban, "Aufbruch Deutschland" announced as a new organizer a "Summer Festival of Press Freedom": at the same time and at the same place as the previously banned event from "Compact." "Aufbruch Deutschland" describes itself as a nationwide interest group. In the Imprint, Poggenburg is listed as a representative.

  1. The Administrative Court Halle upheld the police's decision to ban the "Summer Festival of Press Freedom," viewing it as a replacement event for the extremist "Compact" magazine, which had also been banned.
  2. The planned summer festival, organized by "Aufbruch Deutschland," was intended to take place at the estate of former AfD politician André Poggenburg, a location known for its association with right-wing extremism.
  3. Following the ban on the Compact magazine, the AfD politician and Aufbruch Deutschland representative, André Poggenburg, was involved in organizing a new summer festival promoting press freedom at the same location and time.
  4. The Administrative Court's ruling on the ban of the summer festival sparked controversy, with some critics arguing that the freedom of expression and assembly were being restricted due to the extremist associations of the event and its organizers.

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