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According to the 'Compact' ban: Police check summer festival plans

A few days ago, the magazine 'Compact' was banned. The police in Halle are now investigating if a planned summer festival in Southern Saxony-Anhalt is connected to the magazine.

The police are investigating the connection between Aufbau Deutschland's summer festival and the...
The police are investigating the connection between Aufbau Deutschland's summer festival and the banned Compact magazine (image).

Right-wing extremism - According to the 'Compact' ban: Police check summer festival plans

After the ban on the right-wing "Compact"-Magazine, the Police in Halle are checking if a summer festival planned by the group "Aufbruch Deutschland" in the Burgenlandkreis is connected to it. Originally, a "Compact" summer festival was planned for July 27th in Stoßen near Naumburg, but after the ban, "Aufbruch Deutschland" announced plans for a festival, confirmed a police spokesperson.

Therefore, a so-called cooperation meeting between representatives of "Aufbruch Deutschland", the Police, and the Ordinance Office took place on Thursday. According to the organizers, the main theme of the event is freedom of the press. "The Police Inspection Halle is now legally checking if the 'Aufbruch Deutschland' summer festival is an alternative event for the banned 'Compact' summer festival," explained the police spokesperson.

Authorities are checking measures

The planned event is also known to the Constitutional Protection agency, as confirmed by the Interior Ministry in Magdeburg in response to an inquiry by the German Press Agency. "Intensive checks are being carried out to determine if administrative measures are necessary," said a spokesperson. However, she made no concrete statements about whether the event might be banned. "The Interior Ministry, the responsible district, the Regional Administration, and the responsible police authority are in close contact," it was stated.

The "Compact" Magazine was banned by the Federal Interior Ministry on Tuesday. The Constitutional Protection Agency classifies the monthly magazine as right-wing extremist. Founded by Jürgen Elsässer, who also regularly attends AfD meetings, after Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) imposed the ban, searches were carried out in several federal states.

  1. The summer festival planned by "Aufbruch Deutschland" in the Burgenlandkreis, Germany, is being investigated by the police in Halle due to potential connections with the banned "Compact" magazine.
  2. The Ordinance Office in Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, was involved in a cooperation meeting with "Aufbruch Deutschland" and the police regarding the festival's main theme of freedom of the press.
  3. The Interior Ministry in Magdeburg confirmed that the Constitutional Protection agency is conducting extensive checks on the "Aufbruch Deutschland" summer festival, as it may be an alternative event for the banned "Compact" summer festival.
  4. The Constitutional Protection agency classifies the "Compact" magazine as a form of right-wing extremism, which led to its ban by the Federal Interior Ministry.
  5. Jürgen Elsässer, the founder of "Compact" and a regular attendee at AfD meetings, was involved with the magazine that was banned for its right-wing extremist content.
  6. Internal checks and measures are being considered by the authorities to determine if the "Aufbruch Deutschland" summer festival should be banned, as it may be promoting similar extremist ideologies.
  7. Police forces in various federal states conducted searches following the ban of the "Compact" magazine in response to orders from the Federal Interior Ministry.

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