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Accident with tram - pedestrian seriously injured

A 51-year-old is running across the street. While doing so, they are hit by a streetcar. The police announce what?

At a streetcar accident, a woman is seriously injured.
At a streetcar accident, a woman is seriously injured.

Upper Bavaria - Accident with tram - pedestrian seriously injured

At an accident involving a tram in Munich, a female pedestrian was severely injured. The 51-year-old woman was walking between parked cars and intended to cross the tram's tracks, as the police reported. However, she was hit by the tram and thrown to the ground. The woman was seriously injured and taken to a hospital. Tram passengers were not injured by the emergency braking on Monday.

The accident occurred in Upper Bavaria's capital, Munich. The police are investigating the incident to determine the cause. The tram involved in the accident is a common mode of transportation in Bavaria's cities. On the same day, there were several reports of traffic accidents throughout Bavaria.

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