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Absolutely fearless: Police stops intoxicated bicyclist

Cyclists also have a legal limit of 0.05% alcohol in road traffic. Some take this lightly and must bear the consequences.

Zwickau: The police pull a drunk cyclist off the road in Zwickau.
Zwickau: The police pull a drunk cyclist off the road in Zwickau.

Drunkenness in traffic - Absolutely fearless: Police stops intoxicated bicyclist

A drunk cyclist must face consequences in Zwickau after showing unteachable behavior. According to the Zwickau Police Headquarters, a citizen reported the man to the control center yesterday evening. When the police arrived, the 47-year-old man was found in a bush. He claimed he was resting there. A breath test showed an alcohol level of 1.72 promilles. However, the police could not prove that he had actually been riding his bike.

He had been warned several times before that he had to continue on foot if he was at such an alcohol level, it was stated. Shortly thereafter, he was caught on his unicycle. A report will be filed against the man for drunkenness in traffic.

The ADAC frequently reminds people that cyclists, not just drivers, can be held accountable. "Anyone riding a bicycle with a blood alcohol concentration above 1.6 promilles commits a crime. They are then considered absolutely unfit to ride. But be careful: An alcoholization above 0.3 promilles can also be punishable if there are additional alcohol-related failure symptoms," it says on the ADAC website. One is then considered relatively unfit to ride. Failure symptoms can include riding in zigzag patterns, falls, or balance problems.

The incident in Zwickau highlights the need for stricter alcohol regulations for cyclists, as the police might have a harder time proving infractions but ADAC still considers drunkenness on a unicycle as punishable. The authorities in Saxony should consider strengthening their collaboration with organizations like ADAC to ensure road safety and educate cyclists about the consequences of drunkenness in traffic.

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