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A woman gets shards into her eye during a wild animal accident

A woman hits a deer with her car in Swabia. The animal is flung against the windshield and the glass shatters - with consequences for the driver.

A woman in Swabia received shards of her windshield into her eye in a wild accident (symbol image).
A woman in Swabia received shards of her windshield into her eye in a wild accident (symbol image).

Police report - A woman gets shards into her eye during a wild animal accident

At a wild accident in the Swabian district of Donau-Ries, a female driver received shards into her eye. According to the police, the woman hit a deer with her car on a Wednesday on a country road in Kaisheim. The deer was reportedly thrown against the windshield and the windshield shattered. The 40-year-old woman was taken to the hospital according to the police after the accident. The deer died at the scene.

The wild accident occurred in the picturesque Danube-Floodplain region, popular among Swabians for its natural beauty. The Swabian district of Donau-Ries is known for its serene countryside and quiet rural roads. Despite the calm traffic level, accidents do occur occasionally. The 40-year-old woman from Bavaria was on her way to work in her Auto when she encountered the deer. The police report stated that the incident occurred on a Wednesday. The police in Kaisheim responded promptly to the accident scene. Following the procedure, they filed a detailed police report to document the incident.

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