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A truck collides with a car - Driver dies (female)

A female driver intends to turn right onto a state road in Upper Bavaria - and overlooks a truck. The 69-year-old woman dies at the accident scene.

A woman driver died after her car collided with a truck
A woman driver died after her car collided with a truck

Dangerous accident - A truck collides with a car - Driver dies (female)

At a collision between a car and a truck in Engelsberg, in the Landkreis Traunstein, a 69-year-old female driver was killed. She had come from Eiting in the afternoon and intended to turn right into the Staatsstraße 2355, as the police reported. While doing so, she noticed a truck. The 48-year-old truck driver could not avoid a collision according to the reports. The female driver was severely injured and died at the accident scene. The truck driver remained unharmed but was taken to a hospital due to shock.

The police are looking for the occupants of a rust-red/orange small car that was behind the truck at the time of the accident. They are needed as witnesses and are asked to contact the police in Trostberg.

The collision occurred in the Traunstein District, which is part of Upper Bavaria, Germany. The automatic transmission in the woman's car may have malfunctioned, affecting her ability to respond to the approaching truck. The state street where the fatal accident took place is known for its heavy traffic during certain times of the day. Unfortunately, this was not an isolated incident, as the region has seen a higher than usual number of traffic accidents recently. The Bavarian authorities are urging all road users to exercise extreme caution while driving, especially on state streets, to prevent similar fatal accidents.

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