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A tank truck is losing oil on the B 111

A tank truck drags a 1.5 kilometer long oil spill behind it. Cause of the oil loss was an uncapped tank lid.

A tank truck drags a 1.5 kilometer long oil spur behind it (image)
A tank truck drags a 1.5 kilometer long oil spur behind it (image)

Unfalle - A tank truck is losing oil on the B 111

A tank truck lost 1.5 kilometers worth of diesel fuel on the B111 highway between Lütow and Zinnowitz, according to the police. After receiving another tip, the police discovered a tanker truck at a gas station in Wolgast, Landkreis Vorpommern-Greifswald. The cause of the fuel spill was an uncapped tank lid. Following the cleaning of the external tank and the rear axle, the 46-year-old driver was able to continue his journey according to the police.

In the same region of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, an unfortunate incident involving a truck occurred in Wolgast. A crude oil tanker was found at a local gas station, leading the authorities to suspect an accident. The police are currently investigating if this incident is related to the oil spill on the Oil Road, around Lütow and Zinnowitz.

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