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A rudderless boat on Großensee launches search operation

A fisherman discovers an abandoned boat on the Great Lake. He calls for the rescue forces. But they don't find anyone in or around the lake at first.

A rudderless boat on the Großensee in the Stormarn district has triggered a larger search effort...
A rudderless boat on the Großensee in the Stormarn district has triggered a larger search effort (pictures)

ountersignals - A rudderless boat on Großensee launches search operation

A leaderless boat on the Großensee in the Stormarn district caused a larger response from the fire department and police on Sunday evening. A fisherman had seen the boat drifting on the water and cautiously alerted the emergency services, as a police spokesperson stated. "Since a mooring buoy was laid out and a paddle was visible, the suspicion was that something had happened to the person in the boat." However, no one was found during the search in the water and on the shore. For the search, drones, divers, and thermal imaging cameras were used. The search was ended around 1 a.m. Whether the search would be continued today could not be answered by the spokesperson immediately.

The fire department and police escalated their action, deploying drones, divers, and thermal imaging cameras, due to the leaderless boat situation in the Stormarn district. Despite the extensive search, neither the vessel nor its occupant was located, leading to questions about a potential follow-up search in Schleswig-Holstein. In such emergency situations, swift cooperation between the fire department and police is crucial.

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