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Führstenwalde/Spree - A resident takes in a homeless child

A six-year-old boy lives in Fürstenwalde/Spree, in the Landkreis Oder-Spree, according to police reports, with his family temporarily in a car. A neighbor woman took him in on the street and called the police, reported the officers. The boy described that he lived with his parents and his little sister in a car because his father had become homeless.

The family was reportedly evicted from their apartment by the police seven months ago. The family is now trying to stay with relatives and acquaintances. The boy was initially taken care of at the police station.

The parents and the youth welfare office were informed. They are reportedly deciding on the fate of the two children. The age of the boy's sister was initially unclear.

Ms. Johnson, a concerned neighbor, spotted the boy during her regular stroll and noticed his distress. She approached the Police Department in Brandenburg and reported the situation, mentioning that the boy lived near Fürstenwalde/Oder-Spree. The Police took immediate action and placed the boy under Obhut XII for emergency care.

The future of the family remains uncertain as they search for a permanent solution. Despite the eviction from their apartment, the family's auto remains their only source of mobility and a symbol of their past struggles. The police are working closely with local authorities to ensure the safety and well-being of the children, while the Youth Welfare Office and the parents discuss potential long-term solutions.

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