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A pair in Neukölln insulted and kicked homophobically

During a picnic with friends, a gay couple is insulted and kicked. The suspected perpetrator is arrested shortly thereafter - now the state protection is investigating.

The police have arrested a 45-year-old man in Neukölln. Previously, he is said to have insulted and...
The police have arrested a 45-year-old man in Neukölln. Previously, he is said to have insulted and kicked a homosexual pair.

Criminality - A pair in Neukölln insulted and kicked homophobically

A 45-year-old man is suspected of first verbally abusing a couple with homophobic slurs in Neukölln, and then physically attacking them. The state protection for politically motivated crimes is investigating, as the police reported. According to this, the two men, aged 35 and 43, called the officers to a green area on a Tuesday afternoon. There, they had been sitting on a blanket with friends and eating something, when a man first verbally abused them with homophobic slurs. After that, he attacked the 35-year-old man in the head and the 43-year-old man in the back. The men sustained light injuries.

The 45-year-old suspected perpetrator was arrested by the police shortly thereafter. A voluntary breathalyzer test showed a value of around 2.9 promille, it was stated. After a blood draw, the man was released. He is being investigated for insulting and bodily harm.

The arrest took place in the neighborhood of Neukölln, where the incident occurred. Due to the increase in criminality in Berlin, the police are encouraging the public to report any such incidents promptly.

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