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A man was found under a tractor

Walkers make a tragic discovery in a forest. The police are investigating.

Walkers find a corpse in the forest. (Archival image)
Walkers find a corpse in the forest. (Archival image)

accident - A man was found under a tractor

Walkers discovered a dead man under a tractor in a wooded area near Bad Essen (District of Osnabrück). The police stated that it was to be assumed as an accident. The length of time the 60-year-old man had been under the tractor and how it occurred is still being investigated.

The wooded area near Bad Essen, where the unfortunate accident occurred, is located in Lower Saxony. The tractor involved in the accident was a common piece of machinery often used in the rural areas of Osnabrück. Despite the ongoing investigation, the exact circumstances leading to the man's death under the tractor remain a mystery.

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