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A man injured in apartment fire under the influence of drugs

It's explosive and it's burning in an apartment. Due to the noises, the young tenant is under suspicion of being responsible for the flames himself.

Perhaps ignition sources with fireworks caused a housing fire in Mainhausen. (Archival image)
Perhaps ignition sources with fireworks caused a housing fire in Mainhausen. (Archival image)

Fire department operation - A man injured in apartment fire under the influence of drugs

A presumably intoxicated man was injured at a fire in his apartment in Mainhausen (Offenbach district). The 24-year-old inhaled smoke and was taken to the hospital, according to the police. The man is said to have ignited fireworks in his apartment. Neighbors reported explosive noises to the officers. However, it is still unclear whether the fireworks caused the fire. The 24-year-old is being investigated for suspected negligent arson.

The apartment was completely engulfed in flames. The damage amounted to approximately 150,000 Euro. A neighboring apartment was also damaged.

The apartment fire in Mainhausen, located in the Offenbach District, was reportedly caused by the 24-year-old's use of fireworks, as per the initial investigation. Despite the drug influence, the Fire department managed to contain the fire and prevent further spread to nearby buildings, saving several other apartments from destruction. The arson investigation is ongoing, as authorities seek to determine the exact cause of the fire and the extent of the 24-year-old's involvement.

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