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A man brings a head with hand grenades to the police station

A 78-year-old man acted in good faith after finding old grenades - but incorrectly. The police give tips on how to handle weapons instead.

A man brought a sack with found hand grenades to the police station.
A man brought a sack with found hand grenades to the police station.

From the Second World War - A man brings a head with hand grenades to the police station

A 78-year-old man brought a shopping bag filled with hand grenades to the police station in Mainz. Police officers removed the items from the building on a Wednesday and cordoned off the area, according to the Police. Experts from the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) later determined that the two grenades were harmless. The grandson of the man reportedly found the grenades in a wooded area near Mainz. The bomb disposal team took possession of the grenades, which were to be destroyed.

According to the police, one should not handle weapons discoveries: Such findings should therefore be reported directly to the police or the Ordinance Office. They are potentially dangerous and should not be touched but left at the discovery site instead. Munitions used in both World Wars are considered weapons, particularly bombs and grenades.

The man's actions brought reminders of the past, as the hand grenades were remnants from the times of the Second World War. The incident caused a slight emergency in Rhineland-Palatinate, the German state where Mainz is located. Despite the concerns, the police emphasized that individuals should not attempt to handle such discoveries themselves, as the potential consequences of war can still pose risks in the present.

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