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A fire has been set at an planned asylum accommodation in Leipzig

A resident alerted the police about a fire at a planned refugee shelter. A young man is suspected based on evidence at the scene.}

A 24-year-old is suspected of setting fire to a planned asylum accommodation in Leipzig
A 24-year-old is suspected of setting fire to a planned asylum accommodation in Leipzig

Brand attack - A fire has been set at an planned asylum accommodation in Leipzig

A 24-year-old man is suspected of setting fire to a planned refugee shelter in Leipzig's Thekla district. The police were informed about the fire in the night to Saturday by a neighbor. A wooden pallet had been burning against the building's wall.

The police extinguished the flames with a fire extinguisher from their patrol car and prevented the fire from spreading further. Additionally, refugee-hating slogans and unconstitutional symbols were smeared on the house.

Warrant for search issued based on suspicion

At the shelter, traces were found leading the police to a nearby apartment. A prosecutor ordered a search. During the search, the suspicion against the 24-year-old was heard. He is now being investigated for arson and incitement to hatred.

The city of Leipzig plans to establish a communal shelter in the building. From August, up to 120 people can be accommodated there.

The 24-year-old's actions of setting fire to the refugee shelter are suspected to be motivated by extremist views towards migration. The incident of criminality in Leipzig's Thekla district has raised concerns about safety and peace in the city's asylum accommodation. The police in Saxony are intensifying their efforts to maintain order in refugee shelters following the incident. The 24-year-old, being under investigation for arson and incitement to hatred, was previously known to reside in Leipzig.

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