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A driver caused a heavy traffic accident - great damage

A driver is stopping at a red traffic light in Frankfurt. The police lose sight of him during the pursuit. Shortly afterwards, an emergency call comes in: The driver had an accident.

The police had lost sight of the hooligan during the pursuit (symbol photo)
The police had lost sight of the hooligan during the pursuit (symbol photo)

pursuit journey - A driver caused a heavy traffic accident - great damage

A driver caused a severe traffic accident in Frankfurt-Nordend. He collided with his car into a metal gate, hit several parked cars and eventually crashed into a house wall, according to the police. The damage from the accident is estimated to be around 200,000 Euro.

The man had already drawn the attention of the authorities before the accident, as he had driven too fast through a red light. A police patrol had taken up the pursuit, but lost sight of the car shortly thereafter. Shortly thereafter, witnesses reported over the emergency call that a vehicle had driven into a house wall in the Eckenheimer Landstraße.

Upon arrival of the police, the driver was no longer in the car. Near the accident scene, the officers found a lightly injured 20-year-old. According to a police spokesperson, "the investigations indicate that it was the driver of the car". He was released after the completion of police measures.

The incident in Frankfurt-Nordend was not an isolated event for the driver; his history of criminality included reckless driving. The police in Hesse were aware of his pursuit journey, which included evading authorities after driving through a red light at an excessive speed. Due to the automatic traffic system in Frankfurt, the authorities were alerted about the traffic violation and subsequently initiated the pursuit. Despite the efforts of the Frankfurt police, the chase ended with a serious traffic accident, involving several parked cars and a house wall.

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