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A child rescued from drowning in a swimming pool

A child is drowning. Unknown helpers start a successful revival. The swimming pool is cleared.

A child was revived at the swimming pool Wilmersdorf (Symbolik)
A child was revived at the swimming pool Wilmersdorf (Symbolik)

Wilmersdorf Swimming Pool - A child rescued from drowning in a swimming pool

A child was rescued from the Wilmersdorf outdoor swimming pool in the afternoon, just before drowning. The pool was reportedly cleared by the fire department. The 11-year-old child had been "under water for several minutes," according to a spokesperson. People at the pool had successfully revived the child before the fire department arrived. The spokesperson praised the actions of the unknown helpers. Acting quickly in the first minutes is crucial in such situations. According to reports, 20 emergency responders, three doctors, and a rescue helicopter were involved. The visitors behaved admirably. The evacuation went smoothly, the fire department spokesperson said. At first, it was unclear why the child had gone under water.

During the emergency situation, the concerned individuals immediately contacted the Berlin fire department for assistance. After the rescue, the child was taken to a Berlin hospital for further medical examinations.

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