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A bus is on fire on A3 - passengers remain unharmed

In the afternoon, a tour bus caught fire on the autobah near Bonn. For the passengers, the fire went out luckily.

Briefly, a bus fire has occurred on the autobahn near Bonn (Symbol photo)
Briefly, a bus fire has occurred on the autobahn near Bonn (Symbol photo)

Fire - A bus is on fire on A3 - passengers remain unharmed

On the Autobahn 3 near Bonn, a burning tour bus was put out. All passengers had left the bus unharmed, said a police spokesperson. At first, it was unclear how many people were in the bus. The passengers were taken to a nearby rest stop and continued their journey with a replacement bus.

The cause of the fire was initially unclear. The bus had burned in the rear area, according to the spokesperson. For firefighting efforts, the A3 towards Cologne between the junction Siebengebirge and the cross Bonn/Siegburg was completely closed. After the bus was towed away and the roadway cleaned, the Autobahn was reopened in the early evening.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, where the incident occurred, the local police were informed and closely monitored the situation. Fortunately, the bus tour was scheduled to stop in Bonn, allowing the passengers to disembark safely before the fire spread to the entire vehicle. Despite the traffic disruption caused by the closure of the A3 due to the fire, alternative routes were suggested by the traffic authorities to ensure smooth movement of vehicles.

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