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A body was found in a roof truss fire in Stuttgart

A house is on fire in Stuttgart. During firefighting efforts, the fire department discovers a deceased person. Other residents escape unharmed.

A firefighter was injured during the firefighting operations (Picture symbol)
A firefighter was injured during the firefighting operations (Picture symbol)

Muelhauser - A body was found in a roof truss fire in Stuttgart

At a roof truss fire in the Stuttgart district of Muhlhausen, a man has been found dead. The police announced this in the early morning. It is still unknown how the fire started and who the man is. All other residents of the multi-family house were able to get out by themselves. During the firefighting efforts, a firefighter was slightly injured. Six of the building's residents were treated, but remained unharmed. The firefighting efforts are expected to continue, according to the fire department. Currently, all six apartments in the building are not habitable.

After the Stuttgart fire department extinguished the roof truss fire in Muhlhausen, they discovered that erasing work needed to be done in one of the affected apartments. Due to the incident, the police in Baden-Württemberg are investigating the cause of the fire. Regardless of the ongoing investigation, the Fire department from Stuttgart suggested that residents of Mühlhausen consider temporary accommodation in another part of the city, like Stuttgart.

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