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A 76-year-old cyclist dies in a collision with another bike

A 29-year-old took the priority from the man. There is an accident with fatal outcome.

A 76-year-old bicyclist died in Frankfurt (Symbol image)
A 76-year-old bicyclist died in Frankfurt (Symbol image)

Dangerous fall - A 76-year-old cyclist dies in a collision with another bike

A 76-year-old bicyclist collided with another bicyclist in Frankfurt and died as a result. The 29-year-old bicyclist is reported to have disregarded the right of way of the older man, according to the police. After the collision on Sunday, the 76-year-old man fell from his bike and hit his head on a stone. He later died in the hospital.

The bicycle accident in Frankfurt resulted in severe consequences, as the younger bicyclist was found to have violated the right of way. The incident occurred in the heart of Frankfurt am Main, a bustling area of the Hesse state. Regrettably, the elderly bicyclist did not survive the collision, leaving behind a stark reminder of the importance of road safety.

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