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700 kilometer ballots for the state election

On September 1st, people in Thuringen go to the ballot box. They have long ballot papers before them again. Arranged together, they form an impressive length.

The ballot papers are nearly half a meter long. (Archiv image)
The ballot papers are nearly half a meter long. (Archiv image)

Elections - 700 kilometer ballots for the state election

The ballot papers for the Thuringia state election have a total length of about 700 kilometers. This is roughly equivalent to the air distance from Erfurt to Turin, the state election commissioner announced. Currently, around 1.7 million ballot papers are being produced or already printed for the voting process on September 1. Their length varies between 41 and 43 centimeters depending on the number of candidates. The total weight of the ballot papers is estimated by the state election commissioner to be 17 tons.

The diverse array of candidates in the Thuringia state election has led to an intriguing mix of Curiosities on the ballot papers. Some voters might find themselves pondering over little-known candidates located towards the end of these lengthy documents. The election in Thuringia's capital, Erfurt, is expected to draw substantial attention, as it could potentially influence the political landscape of the state.

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