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364 crimes related to EM in Munich

Seven Serbian fans in pre-trial detention, dozens of proceedings due to prohibited pyrotechnics or flare actions: The prosecutor's office balances after the EURO games in Munich.

With this mascot costume, a YouTuber sneaked into the stadium for the EURO opening ceremony.
With this mascot costume, a YouTuber sneaked into the stadium for the EURO opening ceremony.

In connection with the UEFA European Championship, Munich authorities recorded 364 offenses. The largest part, numbering 80 incidents, were cases of bodily harm offenses. Following this, there were 67 violations of the Explosives Act due to pyrotechnics, as Munich I Prosecutor's Office reported, citing police figures.

Police investigations against Flitzer and "Drehkreuzspringer"

Furthermore, the Police registered 41 cases of property damage through graffiti and 38 instances of breaking and entering. Among these were individuals who ran onto the field, or "Drehkreuzspringer," who attempted to enter the stadium without a valid ticket.

Offenses with EM relation

The investigators, as per the Prosecutor's Office, have gathered cases that occurred in the stadium or in the immediate vicinity, in fan zones, during public viewings, or when fan groups encountered each other.

Serbian Fans in Detention

Seven Serbian fans are still in custody, as reported by the Prosecutor's Office, following disturbances at Marienplatz before the Denmark vs. Serbia match. They are accused of breaching the peace. During the brawl on June 25, several police officers were lightly injured, and an innocent bystander sustained a bleeding wound behind the ear. The Prosecutor's Office is investigating ten suspects. An accusation has already been filed against the sole minor in the otherwise adult group before the Youth Court.

Investigations into counterfeit EURO mascot costumes

Further investigations are ongoing against a YouTuber, who managed to smuggle a counterfeit, 3000 Euro maskottchen-costume into the Munich Allianz Arena for the opening match between Germany and Scotland. He is charged with embezzlement and forgery, as he allegedly used a forged access permit to attend the opening ceremony at the Munich Allianz Arena. His intention, according to his statement, was to highlight vulnerabilities in the UEFA European Football Union's security system.

  1. The Munich Public Prosecutor's Office I is handling the case of the YouTuber who brought a counterfeit EURO mascot costume into the Allianz Arena, an act that falls under embezzlement and forgery charges.
  2. In the aftermath of the Football European Championship, the Munich Public Prosecutor's Office is diligently investigating several offenses, including the incident involving pyrotechnics that led to 67 violations of the Explosives Act.
  3. The internal security in Bavaria has been put to the test during the European Championship, with instances of bodily harm, property damage, and unauthorized entry into the stadium, often referred to as "Drehkreuzspringer" incidents.
  4. The Justice system in Munich is currently dealing with the aftermath of soccer-related offenses, including the cases of 80 bodily harm offenses, 41 graffiti-related property damage incidents, and 38 instances of breaking and entering.
  5. The Munich Police are actively investigating the individuals responsible for the property damage instances and the deceptive attempts to enter the stadium, ensuring that those responsible face appropriate punishment for their actions.
  6. Pyrotechnics used during the European Championship events led to numerous violations of the Explosives Act, and those responsible for these offenses will be held accountable through investigations carried out by the Munich Public Prosecutor's Office.

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