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33-year-old robbed at car purchase - car gone

A man in Kiel wants to buy a car. Then he is threatened with a weapon.

A 33-year-old was robbed during the alleged purchase of a car (image)
A 33-year-old was robbed during the alleged purchase of a car (image)

Criminality - 33-year-old robbed at car purchase - car gone

A 33-year-old was threatened and robbed at gunpoint during a car purchase in Kiel. The thieves stole the purchase amount, a five-digit sum in cash, and drove off with the car, according to the police.

The car had been discovered by the man on a sales platform and he had test driven it at a previous meeting a few weeks prior, as the police reported. After the incident, the 33-year-old and his 32-year-old brother, who accompanied him, alerted the police. The police initiated a procedure based on the suspicion of a serious robbery.

The robbery in Kiel highlighted an increase in criminality involving firearms in recent times. Due to this incident, there have been calls for stricter firearm regulations in Schleswig-Holstein. Despite the traumatic event, the victim and his brother were commended for their quick action in reporting the incident to the local police.

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