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20. July: Schwesig calls for the defense of democracy

The Minister-President participates in the commemoration in Berlin for the failed attempt on Adolf Hitler. She honors the men and women of the resistance and draws a line to today.

The Minister-President reminisces about July 20th (archive picture)
The Minister-President reminisces about July 20th (archive picture)

Remembrance - 20. July: Schwesig calls for the defense of democracy

Governor Manuela Schwesig (SPD) reminded of the failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler 80 years ago and called for the defense of democracy in the process. The crimes of the National Socialist Hitler Dictatorship should not be forgotten or even relativized, the governor stated in a press release. "We live today in Democracy and Freedom. This is a great good. But Democracy is not self-evident. It must be actively shaped and defended against its enemies." This is more important than ever.

She called for perseverance and persuasive power. "I am therefore very grateful that many citizens have set a clear signal for Democracy in the last few months on demonstrations," the governor explained.

She paid tribute to the men and women who had decided to resist 80 years ago. "They wanted to eliminate the National Socialist rule in Germany." The fact that the plan ultimately failed did not change the historical significance of July 20, 1944, the governor declared.

Schwesig participates as President of the Bundesrat in commemorative events in Berlin for the German Resistance and July 20, 1944. On that day, Wehrmacht officers around Claus Schenk Count von Stauffenberg had unsuccessfully attempted to kill Hitler with a bomb, overthrow the National Socialist rule, and end World War II. Stauffenberg and three other participants were shot in the courtyard of the Bendlerblock in Berlin that same evening.

  1. Governor Manuela Schwesig, hailing from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's SPD, highlighted the significance of the attempted assassination of Adolf Hitler by women and men 80 years ago in Berlin.
  2. Despite the failure of this effort, which occurred on July 20, 1944, Schwesig emphasized that it remains a pivotal moment in the history of Defense against the National Socialist Dictatorship.
  3. During a commemoration in Berlin, Schwesig, as President of the Bundesrat, honored the courage of men and women who actively resisted Adolf Hitler's regime.
  4. In her statement, she stressed the importance of upholding democracy and the need for individuals to actively shape and defend it against adversaries, noting that democracy is not inherent but requires active preservation.
  5. The governor acknowledged the recent public displays of support for democracy, recognizing that many citizens have taken a firm stance in favor of democracy on various demonstrations.
  6. Schwesig expressed gratitude to these citizens for their bold actions in upholding the values of democracy and freedom, highlighting their role in safeguarding this valuable legacy.

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