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16-year-old Briton found guilty of murdering Brianna Ghey

Life imprisonment expected

Brianna Ghey trusted her new friend. That's why she followed her to the park in
Brianna Ghey trusted her new friend. That's why she followed her to the park in

16-year-old Briton found guilty of murdering Brianna Ghey

Brianna Ghey is 16 years old and has thousands of fans on "TikTok". Then she befriends a 15-year-old girl. She trusts her and follows her to the small town park in February, unaware of the deadly trap. Her 16-year-old murderers have now been found guilty.

28 stab wounds and a real desire to kill. The "disturbing" murder of 16-year-old trans girl Brianna Ghey by two men of the same age caused great horror in the UK. After a four-week trial in Manchester, the jury has now found her two attackers, a boy and a girl, guilty.

The sentence is not expected to be announced until February. After the guilty verdict, Judge Amanda Yip told the now 16-year-olds that they should expect a life sentence. The only thing left to decide was how long they would have to remain in custody before they would be granted early release.

Lust for murder, torture fantasies and detailed malice

Brianna Ghey's badly mangled body was found in a park in the north-west English town of Warrington in February. The then 15-year-old perpetrators had stabbed her a total of 28 times with a hunting knife - investigators found stab wounds to her head, neck, chest and back. According to the indictment, the attackers had been talking about Ghey's murder for weeks. Eight days beforehand, the perpetrator set February 11 as the date in a text message and described in detail how they were to proceed.

The two 15-year-olds were therefore obsessed with killing someone. The girl had downloaded an app that allowed her to watch videos of real people being tortured and murdered. She was intensively involved with serial killers, took notes on their methods and admitted to having "dark fantasies" about killing and torture. They both drew up a "death list" of four other young people they wanted to harm.

But then Ghey had the "misfortune" of befriending her future killer, who, according to the prosecution, was "obsessed" with her. Ghey had thousands of followers on the online platform TikTok. In reality, however, she was a withdrawn, shy and anxious teenager, according to the prosecution. She struggled with depression and rarely left the house. However, she trusted her new friend and voluntarily followed her to the park, reported one of the investigators.

No remorse and increasing silence

The two convicted young people have autistic disorders, among other things. The boy gradually stopped speaking after his arrest until he did not speak at all. Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor Ursula Doyle spoke of "one of the most disturbing cases" she had ever dealt with. "The planning, the violence and the age of the killers are mind-boggling." Outside the courthouse, Ghey's mother Esther spoke again of her daughter. Brianna was "extraordinary, funny, witty and brave".

During the trial, there had been "moments" when she had felt sorry for the defendants "because they had ruined their own lives as well as ours", Brianna's mother continued. However, the two had shown "not a shred of remorse" for their actions, which is why she had lost all sympathy for them. She is now glad that they will "spend many years in prison and away from society".

Due to their young age, the two perpetrators were initially only allowed to be described as "Girl X" and "Boy Y". However, due to the exceptionally high level of public interest, Judge Yip decided that the names of the two could be mentioned publicly at the sentencing hearing in February, as reported by the Guardian.

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The guilty verdict in the case of Brianna Ghey's murder has garnered international attention, highlighting the growing issue of criminality among young people. Great Britain is not immune to this trend, as evidenced by the two 16-year-olds found guilty of her murder.

Furthermore, the brutal nature of the crime, with 28 stab wounds and a clear intent to kill, has shocked the world and brought attention to the dangers of unchecked murder and manslaughter, particularly among young people.




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