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120,000 Euro damage through vandalism - woman arrested

Since early 2024, over 30 cars have been damaged in Passau's Old Town. The police have now arrested a 65-year-old woman. She is suspected of causing approximately 120,000 Euros in damages.

A 65-year-old woman is suspected of damaging around 30 cars in Passau's Old Town between January...
A 65-year-old woman is suspected of damaging around 30 cars in Passau's Old Town between January and July 2024. The damages are estimated to be approximately 120,000 Euro.

Criminality - 120,000 Euro damage through vandalism - woman arrested

A woman, around 65 years old, is suspected to have caused approximately 120,000 Euro worth of damage in Passau over the past few months through vandalism on cars. According to the police statement from Tuesday, officers apprehended her during the commission of a fresh crime in the early hours of Monday. She had just scratched the right passenger side of a car parked by the roadside with a sharp object.

Since the beginning of this year, investigators in Passau's Old Town have recorded around 30 cases of damage to Cars. The 65-year-old woman is suspected to be responsible for all these incidents. The motive of the suspect is still unclear, it was stated.

  1. The woman's alleged spree of vandalism in Passau has prompted concerns within the local Automobile industry.
  2. Following her arrest, the suspect was transported to a police station in Lower Bavaria for questioning.
  3. Reports of criminality in Passau have increased, with instances of damage to property or goods becoming a common occurrence.
  4. The police in Munich have been sharing information and strategies with their colleagues in Passau to address the rising trend of vandalism.
  5. Ms. [Her Last Name], the suspect's lawyer, has requested a psychiatric evaluation for her client, citing potential mental health issues as a possible motive for the incidents.

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