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1000 lights remember the victims of the Loveparade disaster

Fourteen years ago, 21 people died at the Loveparade in Duisburg, hundreds were injured. In commemoration, relatives lit candles on the anniversary.

21 young people died in the Loveparade disaster in the crowd.
21 young people died in the Loveparade disaster in the crowd.

Remembrance - 1000 lights remember the victims of the Loveparade disaster

With countless candles, attendees reminded themselves of the Loveparade tragedy 14 years ago. At the site where 21 young people aged 17 to 38 were crushed to death and hundreds were injured, they lit candles in remembrance. The "Night of 1,000 Candles" traditionally takes place on the eve of the anniversary of the disaster.

On July 24, 2010, at the only entrance and exit of the Techno-Parade, 21 people between the ages of 17 and 38 were trampled to death. At least 652 Loveparade attendees were injured that day.

After the "Night of 1,000 Candles," attendees gather together at the site of the accident on the anniversary of the tragedy. Following this, there is a public memorial service at the site of the accident.

A criminal proceedings regarding the legal responsibility for the deadly crush was dismissed in 2020 without a verdict. The court determined that "a multitude of circumstances" led to the catastrophe, but the individual guilt of each defendant was considered insignificant. For instance, the location was not suitable for the concept and attendee numbers of the event.

Since 2013, the memorial site has commemorated the deceased with photos and crosses.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, specifically Duisburg, the tragic Loveparade catastrophe of 2010 is annually remembered. On the anniversary of the event, thousands gather at the exact site where the Loveparade disaster occurred.

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