- Höchste Brandgefahrenalarm in den nördlichen Regionen Sachsens für Waldbrände
Die Gefahr von Waldbränden steigt in Sachsen. Laut einem Bericht der staatlichen Sachsenforst wird heute die höchste Warnstufe 5 für die nördlichen Regionen Meißen, Görlitz, Bautzen und Nordsachsen erwartet. Marco Horn von Sachsenforst warnte: "Sogar ein kleines Feuer kann in diesen Gebieten einen Waldbrand auslösen."
Die Kiefernwälder in den nördlichen Regionen des Bundeslandes sind im Vergleich zu anderen Gebieten deutlich lichter. Durch das trockene Gras auf dem Boden kann sich ein Feuer leicht schnell ausbreiten. Horn appellierte an die Vorsicht und erinnerte daran, dass Menschen überwiegend für diese Waldbrände verantwortlich sind.
Der Deutsche Wetterdienst predicts no significant rainfall this week except for localized heavy showers in the western parts of Saxony. Even these showers, as stated by meteorologist Cathleen Hickmann, won't mitigate the wildfire risk. Temperatures will remain high and humidity low until the weekend.
Saxony employs five levels of forest fire danger, with level 1 indicating minimal risk and level 5 signifying extreme risk. At levels 4 and 5, individuals are advised to steer clear of affected forest areas, and for those still in the woods, sticking to main paths is recommended. Additional restrictions may be imposed by the districts.
Since the start of the year, there have been 64 forest fires reported in Saxony by August's end, as per Sachsenforst. This is in contrast to the 58 forest fires reported for the entire previous year. Two years ago, numerous major blazes swept through various forests in Saxony, leading to substantial investment from the state government in fire prevention efforts.
Given the current dry conditions and high temperatures, the German Weather Service advises that the warning level 5 for woodland blazes will remain in effect for the northern regions of Meißen, Görlitz, Bautzen, and Nordsachsen. Despite the predicted localized heavy showers, these rainfalls are unlikely to significantly reduce the wildfire risk due to the continued high temperatures and low humidity.