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Heutige NYT Kreuzworträtsel Hinweise & Antworten für Juni 1, 2024 Sonntag

Vorschläge, die Ihnen dabei helfen, das NYT Connections-Rätsel #356 zu meistern.

Heutige NYT-Verbindungstipps (und Antwort) für Samstag, 1. Juni 2024
Heutige NYT-Verbindungstipps (und Antwort) für Samstag, 1. Juni 2024

Heutige NYT Kreuzworträtsel Hinweise & Antworten für Juni 1, 2024 Sonntag

If you're looking for the solution to the Connections puzzle for Saturday, June 1, 2024, you've come to the right place. I'll provide you with hints, tips, and strategies to help you solve the puzzle. Additionally, I'll explain the meanings of any challenging words and how they fit together. However, be aware that there are spoilers ahead for June 1, NYT Connections #356. If you don't want to know the answers, stop reading now.

To begin, let's take a look at the categories and their themes:

  1. Yellow: Expressions for urging speed.
  2. Green: Seaside-related terms.
  3. Blue: Types of dumbbell exercises.
  4. Purple: Philosophers' homophones.

Hints for the Yellow Category

The yellow category is all about words that encourage speed:

  • NOW
  • STAT

These words are used when you want someone to move faster.

Hints for the Green Category

The green category is related to the ocean and its surroundings:

  • TIDE
  • WAVE

These words are commonly found near the seashore.

Hints for the Blue Category

The blue category involves different types of dumbbell exercises:

  • CURL
  • FLY
  • ROW

These exercises are often performed with dumbbells.

Hints for the Purple Category

The purple category is a bit trickier. It includes homophones of famous philosophers:

  • LOCK
  • PANE

These words sound like the names of philosophers, but they're not. Instead, they're homophones for John Locke, Karl Marx, Thomas Paine, and Bertrand Russell, respectively.

Solving the Connections Puzzle: A Step-by-Step Guide

To solve the Connections puzzle, follow these steps:

  1. Examine the categories and their themes.
  2. Think about words that fit each theme.
  3. Consider any wordplay or connections between the words.
  4. Submit your answers and check if they're correct.
  5. If you're wrong, try again.

Solving the Yellow Category

The yellow category is about words that encourage speed:

  • NOW
  • STAT

These words are all used to urge someone to act quickly.

Solving the Green Category

The green category is related to the ocean and its surroundings:

  • TIDE
  • WAVE

These words are associated with the ocean and its movements.

Solving the Blue Category

The blue category involves different types of dumbbell exercises:

  • CURL
  • FLY
  • ROW

These exercises are performed with dumbbells.

Solving the Purple Category

The purple category is a bit more challenging. It includes homophones of famous philosophers:

  • LOCK
  • PANE

These words sound like the names of philosophers, but they're not. Instead, they're homophones for John Locke, Karl Marx, Thomas Paine, and Bertrand Russell, respectively.

Winning the Connections Game

To win the Connections game, you need to identify four groups of words that share a common theme. Once you've found them, submit your answers and hope for the best. If you're correct, you'll receive a color and category. If you're wrong, you'll be given another chance.

Remember, there's no need to rush or stress. Take your time and enjoy the process. If you can't solve the puzzle, it's okay. There will always be another day with a new puzzle.


The Connections puzzle for Saturday, June 1, 2024, is a fun and challenging game that requires observation, wordplay, and a bit of intuition. By following the hints and strategies provided in this guide, you should be able to solve the puzzle and enjoy the experience. Good luck!

Das Geheimnis, um bei Verbindungen zu gewinnen, besteht darin zu wissen, dass die Gruppierungen absichtlich herausfordernd sind. Sie können Situationen erleben, in denen verschiedene Gegenstände Teil mehrerer Gruppen sind. Zum Beispiel waren in einem Rätsel fünf Frühstücksgerichte vertreten: BACON, EI, PANCAKE, OMELETTE und WAFFLE. Allerdings war BACON tatsächlich Teil einer Gruppe von Künstlern, die CLOSE, MUNCH und WHISTLER umfasste, während EI in einer Gruppe von Dingen enthalten war, die zwölf Stück umfassen (zusammen mit JUROR, ROSE und MONAT). Stets sicherstellen Sie, dass Ihre ausgewählte Gruppe von vier nur diese vier Gegenstände enthält.

Wenn Sie verwirrt sind, kann ein weiterer Ansatz sein, sich auf Wörter zu konzentrieren, die offensichtlich keinen Zusammenhang mit den anderen haben. Wenn Sie Whistler nur als den Künstler hinter "Whistler's Mother" denken, könnten Sie auf der richtigen Spur sein. Um das Rätsel zu lösen, musste ich online überprüfen, ob Close ein Maler war, weil Close keinen offensichtlichen Themenzusammenhang hatte.

Ein weiterer Ansatz, wenn Sie verwirrt sind, ist, sich mit nützlichen Tipps auseinanderzusetzen - wie die, die wir täglich teilen. Achten Sie auf morgen aufgelöste Rätsel!

Heutige NYT-Verbindungstipps (und Antwort) für Samstag, 1. Juni 2024

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