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Die heutigen NYT Connection Clues für Freitag, 31. Mai 2024, zusammen mit der Lösung.

Tipps für den Sieg im NYT Connections-Rätsel Nummer 355.

Die heutigen NYT-Verbindungshinweise (und die Antwort) für Freitag, 31. Mai 2024
Die heutigen NYT-Verbindungshinweise (und die Antwort) für Freitag, 31. Mai 2024

Die heutigen NYT Connection Clues für Freitag, 31. Mai 2024, zusammen mit der Lösung.

If you're trying to crack the Connections puzzle for May 31, 2024, don't worry - I've got your back. Here, I'll provide you with some clues, tips, and strategies, as well as the solutions to all four categories. And along the way, I'll clear up the trickier words and show how everything connects. But beware - there are spoilers ahead for May 31, NYT Connections #355! So, continue reading if you're in search of some hints (and then the answer) to today's Connections game.

Want a handy way to revisit our Connections hints every day? Bookmark this page. You can also check out our past hints, in case you're curious about what you missed in a previous puzzle.

Below, check out some indirect hints at today's Connections answers. And farther down the page, I'll reveal the themes and the answers. Remember to take your time and just grab the clues you need!

Note: Connections/NYT

Here are some spoiler-free hints for the groupings in today's Connections:

  • Yellow category - You'll see a lot of these objects in a museum, displayed by an artist.
  • Green category - These are things you can potentially climb, if you're feeling adventurous.
  • Blue category - You'll definitely have seen more of these before the age of MP3s.
  • Purple category - These words are associated with a specific type of physical movement.

Warning: Spoilers ahead for today's Connections puzzle!

We're about to give away some answers. Proceed with caution if you don't want everything revealed. (The full solution is further down.)

FUJI and OLYMPUS seem to go together today, but it's not because they're both camera brands.

JACKET, HOOD, and BODY are all related to clothing, but they're not the right fit for today's puzzle.

If you struggle with the purple category, think of a verb that links the words together.

  • Corpus: the complete works or collection of works of a particular writer, artist, or musician.
  • Mount: climb or ascend (a hill, mountain, or other difficult terrain).
  • Components of an LP: parts that make up an album, like the cover, the record, and the sleeve.
  • Things people shake: actions involving shaking motion; handshakes, maracas, polaroids, and snowglobes.
  • Yellow: CORPUS
  • Green: MOUNT _____

Ready for the answers to today's Connections game? I'm about to spill the beans.

The Yellow Words in Today's Connections

The yellow grouping is usually straightforward. Today's yellow group theme is CORPUS, and the words are: BODY, CANON, OEUVRE, WORKS.

The Green Words in Today's Connections

The green grouping is supposed to be easier than the blue one. Today's green category theme is MOUNT _____, and the words are: FUJI, HOOD, OLYMPUS, and WHITNEY.

The Blue Words in Today's Connections

The blue grouping is the second-hardest one. Today's blue category theme is COMPONENTS OF AN LP, and the words are: INSERT, JACKET, RECORD, SLEEVE.

The Purple Words in Today's Connections

The purple grouping is considered the hardest. Today's purple category theme is THINGS PEOPLE SHAKE, and the words are: HANDS, MARACA, POLAROID, and SNOWGLOBE.

I knew FUJI, CANON, OLYMPUS, and POLAROID were all camera brands, but they're all next to one another in the middle of the grid, which made me skeptical.

A MARACA is a percussion instrument played by shaking it. This fits with SNOWGLOBE and POLAROID, since both are things people shake.

I think OLYMPUS and FUJI could go together as names of mountains, and HOOD and WHITNEY would also fit.

I saw that BODY, CANON, OEUVRE, and WORKS could be categorized as things related to someone's creative output during their career.

This left INSERT, JACKET, SLEEVE, and RECORD, which all have connections to physical music media.

I've got a full walkthrough of Connections, but here's a brief rundown of the rules:

  1. Find the Connections game in the New York Times website or their Games app.
  2. Examine the 16 tiles, each with one word or phrase.
  3. Select a group of four tiles that share a common theme, type, or association.
  4. Submit your answer when you're ready.

Happy solving!

Um dieses Spiel zu gewinnen, müssen Sie alle vier Gruppen richtig identifizieren. Allerdings verlieren Sie und die Antworten werden offenbart, wenn Sie mehr als vier Fehler begehen, bevor Sie gewinnen.

Tipps für den Sieg bei Verbindungen

Hier ist der Schlüssel zum Sieg bei Verbindungen: Die Kategorien sind absichtlich täuschend. Vorbereiten Sie sich auf Überlappungen. Zum Beispiel erschien eine Aufgabe zu bestehen aus sechs Frühstücksartikeln: BACON, EI, PANKEK, OMELETTE, WAFFEL und ZEREAL. Aber BACON war tatsächlich Teil einer Gruppe von Malern, die auch CLOSE, MUNCH und WHISTLER umfasste, und EI gehörte zu einer Gruppe von Dingen, die in Dutzenden vorkommen (JUROR, ROSE, MONAT). Deshalb drücken Sie nicht auf "einsenden", bis Sie sich sicher sind, dass Ihre ausgewählten vier Gegenstände eindeutig sind und einem gemeinsamen Thema folgen.

Wenn Sie stecken bleiben, denken Sie an Wörter, die sich mit den anderen Optionen nicht verbinden scheinen. Wenn Sie an WHISTLER nur an das Gemälde "Whistlers Mutter" denken, könnten Sie auf der richtigen Spur sein! In meinem Fall musste ich online überprüfen, ob es einen Maler namens Close gibt, da Close keinerlei offensichtliche Kategorie widerspiegelte.

Ein weiterer Hinweis für den Sieg ist, Wörter zu verwenden, die sich mit keiner anderen Option verbinden scheinen. Kommen Sie morgen zurück, um noch einen anderen zu erhalten!

Die heutigen NYT-Verbindungshinweise (und die Antwort) für Freitag, 31. Mai 2024

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