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Bayerns Basketballer regieren über Würzburg.

In den Playoffs der Basketball-Bundesliga hat sich der FC Bayern München im ersten Halbfinalspiel gegen die Würzburg Baskets durchgesetzt. Sie setzten sich mit 91:76 (49:27) durch und behielten während des gesamten Spiels die Oberhand. Das nächste Spiel findet am Freitag in München statt. Ziel...

Serge Ibaka aus München jubelt.
Serge Ibaka aus München jubelt.

München: Neueste Entwicklungen - Bayerns Basketballer regieren über Würzburg.

The Würzburg team fought against Munich's defense but could only score once from their first 11 shots on the field. After seven minutes, the Bavarians were leading 15:5, utilizing their size advantage. In the second quarter, Munich was dominated by Carsen Edwards (15 points) and Serge Ibaka (18 points), leaving them with a 49:27 lead at the break.

During the second half, the visitors didn't give up and fought hard with the favorites, even managing to reduce their deficit to just 11 points in the latter stages. However, they ultimately failed to match the quality and quantity of the Bayern. Their leader Otis Livingston, who won MVP in the regular season, was also missing along with Julius Böhmer. This limited selection of players was evident.

Game statistics: Playoff tree and schedule. [

Note: The original text was in English. The provided translation is in German.

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