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Visa to search for an apprenticeship

Can I do an apprenticeship in Germany?

With the "visa to look for a training place" you can look for a training place in Germany if you
With the "visa to look for a training place" you can look for a training place in Germany if you do not live

Visa to search for an apprenticeship

Vocational training completed in Germany offers many opportunities. However, it is often not easy to find a training place in Germany from abroad. That is why there is a visa or residence permit for the search for a training place in accordance with §17 of the Residence Act. This allows you to enter Germany with a residence permit and then look for a suitable training place locally. Here you can find out which requirements you need to fulfill for the visa or residence permit to look for a training place.

What do I need to know?

Can I get a visa to look for a training place?

You can apply for a residence permit to look for an apprenticeship if you have a school-leaving qualification that allows you to study in your home country. In addition, you must not be older than 25.

Where do I apply for a visa?

If you need a visa to enter Germany, you must first apply for a visa at the German embassy/consulate in your home country or a neighboring country.

Please note that it may take several months to process your visa application.

If you do not need a visa to enter Germany, after entering the country you should report to the foreigners authority in your new place of residence and apply for a residence permit for the purpose of looking for a training place.

Whether you need a visa depends on your country of origin. You can find a list of countries whose citizens need a visa to enter Germany at

What documents do I need for the visa / residence permit?

In our chapter"National visa" you will find a list of all the documents that all third-country nationals need for a national visa.

For a visa to look for a training place, you also need the following documents:

  • A higher education entrance qualification. This is a school-leaving certificate that allows you to start studying in the country in which you completed your school-leaving certificate.
  • Proof of your German language skills. You need at least B2.
  • Proof that you are able to support yourself while you are looking for a training place.

What happens after entry?

After entering Germany, you must report to the immigration office at your new place of residence within three months and apply for a residence permit there. To do this, you must submit the above-mentioned documents and, as a rule, a police registration and a tenancy agreement. The authorities will check your documents and then decide whether you will be granted a residence permit.

A residence permit to look for a training place is valid for six months. During this time, you can look for a suitable training place. You are not allowed to work during this time. As soon as you have found a suitable training place, you must apply for a residence permit for the purpose of training. You can do this at your local immigration office. You may only start your training with this residence permit.

What happens if I cannot find a training place?

If you are unable to find a training place within the six months, you will have to leave the country again. After six months in your home country, you can then reapply for a visa to look for a training place at the German embassy.


You can find out more about training in our chapters"School-based training" and"Dual training". You can find out more about finding a job in our chapter "Job search and application".




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