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Knowing German is important, just like knowing your mother tongue properly. There is support
Knowing German is important, just like knowing your mother tongue properly. There is support for this in

Mother tongue

Learning German is important in order to be able to have a say in Germany and find a job. However, this does not mean that you have to forget your own language. Children in particular adapt very quickly and may forget their parents' language. In our globalized world, language skills are a great advantage, which is why it is important to promote them. Here we provide information about multilingual schools and language courses.

How can I promote my mother tongue?

Multilingual home

Growing up with two or more languages is a great opportunity for children. That's why it's important to speak to your children in the languages of your family. Speak to your children in the language that you know best. Make rules about which language is spoken when and with whom. This will enable your children to assign languages to different people (e.g. mother, father, grandparents, nursery school teachers) or occasions (e.g. having dinner together).

Multilingual daycare centers and schools

There are also opportunities outside the family to promote the first language or family language. In some cities, for example, there are bilingual or bilingual kindergartens/daycare centers and schools. Ask your local citizens' office about local multilingual nurseries and schools or look on the website of the Association for Early Multilingualism in Nurseries and Schools.

Language courses

You can also refresh or learn your mother tongue outside of school or university. Inexpensive language courses are available, for example, at adult education centers (Volkshochschulen), which can be found in almost every city in Germany. Each adult education center publishes its own program twice a year, which you can also find online.


Multilingualism is good for children's cognitive development. The acquisition of several languages should therefore be supported in any case.




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