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Emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time. In Germany, you can call the emergency doctor,
Emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time. In Germany, you can call the emergency doctor, police, fire or poison control at any


Emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time. An emergency is any situation in which people, animals or property are in danger. But who can I call in an emergency? Who will help and when? Here you can find out who you can contact in which emergency. The staff at all emergency calls speak German. In some cases, you can also get help in English or other languages. However, there is no guarantee of this. If you do not speak German yourself, seek help from a German-speaking person who can call the emergency call center for you.

The staff at the emergency call center need to know the following:

  • Where is the emergency?
  • What has happened?
  • How many people are injured?
  • What injuries are there?
  • Who is reporting the emergency?

Who will help me?

The police

If you or other people are in danger, you can call the police on 110. The call is free of charge. You can find out more about the police in our"Police" section.

Rescue service and fire department

In acute medical emergencies, if you or someone else needs help immediately or if you notice a fire or flooding, you can call the emergency services or fire department on 112 . The call is free of charge. In the event of a medical emergency, you can also go directly to the emergency department of the nearest hospital.

If it is not a life-threatening medical emergency, but you still need immediate medical assistance, you can call the "Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst" (on-call medical service) on the free number 116117. The medical on-call service is there for you around the clock and can help you with minor injuries or sudden symptoms (e.g. very high fever). The staff on the phone will either give you medical advice, refer you directly to an on-call practice or send a doctor to your home.

Poison emergency service

If you or someone else may have been poisoned, you can call the poison control center in your area. Poison control centers are available day and night. You can find the telephone number of the poison control center responsible for you at

Emergency pharmacy

If you need medication outside normal opening hours, you must go to an emergency pharmacy. You can find the pharmacies that are currently on emergency duty at or You need to search for the location where you are.

Medical help without health insurance

Hospitals are not allowed to pass on your details to other people or authorities. So don't be afraid to go to hospital or call an ambulance in an emergency. If it is not an emergency, you can also contact an organization that provides anonymous medical treatment for people without papers. Help from these organizations is free of charge. Your stay will not be passed on to the social welfare office or the immigration authorities. You can search for such an organization in your area on the website You can also search for anonymous medical help in your area on the Malteser and Medibüros websites.


Don't be afraid to call the emergency services in an emergency.




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