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Los niños van en bicicleta al colegio en el "Bici-Bus"

Más visibilidad como grupo

Una vez al mes, el variopinto grupo ciclista sale a pasear por Fráncfort del Meno.
Una vez al mes, el variopinto grupo ciclista sale a pasear por Fráncfort del Meno.
  1. Muchas padres interesados de Frankfurt am Main se unieron al "Bici-Bus" la semana pasada, con la intención de ofrecer a sus hijos un viaje a la escuela más seguro y divertido.
  2. El ADFC, una organización internacional que promueve el uso de bicicletas, ha sido clave en llevar el concepto del "Bici-Bus" a Alemania, abogando por la seguridad de los niños en las carreteras.
  3. En respuesta a la creciente popularidad del "Bici-Bus," la ciudad de Frankfurt am Main está considerando ampliar el programa, con planes de presentar la iniciativa en un distrito adicional esta semana.
  4. A pesar de los riesgos inherentes del tráfico de carreteras, especialmente para los niños, el "Bici-Bus" ha sido calificado de éxito, con muchas ciudades solicitando implementar programas similares.

Los niños van en bicicleta al colegio en el "Bici-Bus"

Lunes: "Días laborales"Martes: "Martes"Miércoles: "Miércoles"Jueves: "Jueves"Viernes: "Viernes"

Sábado: "Sábado"Domingo: "Domingo"

Children are particularly endangered in road traffic. To make them safer on the roads, common bicycle convoys with adults, called "Bici-Bus," are being established in more and more cities. The concept, which originated in England and gained popularity through its implementation in Barcelona, Spain, provides an alternative to the parent taxi.

"Where is the bus?", asks a boy. "We are the bus!", explains an adult. And soon, the colorful bicycle convoy with loud jingling sets off, accompanied by cheerful music from loudspeakers. Around 25 children and nearly 20 adults had gathered in Frankfurt am Main this morning for a "Bici-Bus," a "bicycle bus" for a safe and communal journey to school.

The idea is about everyday bicycle movement for children and a safe school route. In a "Bici-Bus," children are surrounded by accompanying adults on their bicycles and thus shielded from the rest of the traffic. Children have few opportunities to learn to ride bicycles and practice in a safe environment in the city, says Simone Markl from the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club (ADFC), who brought the concept to Germany and is building it up here. "Bici" is the Spanish word for "bicycle."

Children between the ages of 6 and 14 were involved in particularly frequent accidents in 2022 from Monday to Friday, according to the latest statistics from the Federal Statistical Office. Accident numbers were lower between 7 am and 1 pm, and higher again between 3 and 4 pm. Children in the age group 6 to 14 were also involved in particularly frequent accidents with bicycles: bicycle accidents accounted for 42% of all accidents.

Initiators are usually parents rather than schools, says Markl, ADFC Hessen Referent for Children and School Route Safety. In schools, it is often said that children should first get their bicycle driver's license and then ride. She sees it differently: "The earlier they learn, the safer they will be later." It's also about creating an alternative to the parent taxi principle.

The German Traffic Safety Council emphasizes that children should ride bikes or rollers with their parents from a young age to learn proper road behavior. The more often they move independently, the sooner they can safely participate in road traffic on their own.

Many cities inquire about implementing similar programs, with one to two inquiries per week from other German cities. In around 40 German cities, these colorful convoys already exist, from Berlin to Grimma and Sylt to Zweibrucken. They are variously frequent. In Frankfurt, the colorful bicycle groups currently pass through two city districts once a month. Another district is to join this week for a trial run, with kindergarten children - many of them on tricycles. The "Bici-Bus Germany" project was recently awarded the German Bicycle Prize in the Volunteer category.

The children at the "Bici-Bus" in Frankfurt's Nordend express their enthusiasm. "Riding together is much more fun," says a nine-year-old girl. Another nine-year-old girl also emphasizes the importance of community. She is the first time participating with her mother. "This is a great action," she exclaims. Another mother emphasizes that it's important for her sons to get to know streets and paths on their bicycles in a protected environment. Her youngest son is still in kindergarten and is riding his own bicycle for the first time. He eagerly pedals and keeps up without difficulty.

The "Bici-Bus" in Frankfurt-Nordend is registered and is accompanied by the police, who briefly close the streets and intersections for it. If the number of participants is sufficient, they will also ride without police presence. For the children, the joint ride is something very special. Organizer Jörn Felgendreher also likes the concept because it creates a connection - between children and between parents. This morning, the "Bici-Bus" stops at two schools, the second one is reached before 8 am. Organizer Felgendreher thanks all participants and the children quickly attach their bicycles and stream into the building.

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