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"Zoltan" sweeps across Germany: which insurance pays for what

The storm damage following the "Zoltan" storm is likely to be considerable: Who will pay for the damage caused to private households and who will reimburse the costs if you have missed your train or plane?

Storm damage to a house in Lower Saxony: "Zoltan" continues to sweep across Germany on
Storm damage to a house in Lower Saxony: "Zoltan" continues to sweep across Germany on

Table of contents

  • Storm damage to and in the house
  • Who pays for damage to the car?
  • Air and rail travel: assistance and refunds possible

Storm damage - "Zoltan" sweeps across Germany: which insurance pays for what

Damage to the house, downed trees in the driveway, damaged cars: Which insurance company actually pays for which damage? Insured persons should report storm damage to their insurer immediately. Many types of damage to houses or cars are covered, but those affected must adhere to certain rules. Reimbursements are also available for travel delays. An overview.

Storm damage to and in the house

Buildings insurance covers storm damage to the house, for example due to fallen trees or roofs covered by the wind. According to the German Insurance Association, it also pays for consequential damage, for example if rain penetrates through the roof damaged by the storm or broken windows and walls or floors are damaged. In the case of flooded cellars, so-called natural hazard insurance is required.

Damage to household contents, such as damaged furniture, is usually covered by household contents insurance. However, if the damage is caused by flooding, additional protection against natural hazards is also necessary here, as Gothaer Versicherung states.

Storm damage is generally covered from wind force eight, which corresponds to a wind speed of more than 62 kilometers per hour, as the German Insurance Association explains. Consumer advocates generally advise those affected to inform the insurer as soon as possible and to draw up a list of damage, preferably with photos. The strength of the storm must also be verified, for example by means of wind measurements from the weather offices or reports from the local newspaper.

Who pays for damage to the car?

In the event of damage to the car, the owner's partial or fully comprehensive insurance usually applies. However, the insurance does not cover the replacement value, but usually only the current value of the car. If, for example, a brick falls on a parked car during a storm, the partial casco is responsible according to consumer protection experts - at a wind speed of at least 74.5 kilometers per hour, as stated by Gothaer Versicherung. It also applies if a driver hits a fallen tree and the damage is their own fault. If you only have liability insurance, you have to settle the damage yourself.

Air and rail travel: assistance and reimbursement possible

For flights of up to 1,500 kilometers, passengers are entitled to assistance from two hours delay - i.e. telephone calls, drinks, meals and, if necessary, an overnight stay in a hotel. For flights between 1500 and 3500 kilometers, assistance is provided after three hours, and after four hours for flights over 3500 kilometers.

Even in the event of a foreseeable delay, passengers should always be at the airport at the original departure time. Otherwise there is a risk that the airline will be able to offer an alternative flight earlier - and the traveler will then miss it. Rail travelers can receive a partial refund of the fare in the event of delays. For example, a passenger can claim 25 percent of the fare back if the delay is more than 60 minutes. If the delay is more than two hours, the passenger is entitled to half of the fare paid.

The arrival time at the destination is decisive: if a first train is only five minutes late and a rail customer arrives at their destination more than an hour later due to a missed connecting train, they will receive compensation. If a delay of 20 minutes is expected at the destination station, the passenger can take another train - even a higher-quality one.

The current storm situation in the stern news blog. The storm depression "Zoltan" will continue to move across Germany on Friday. The German Weather Service is expecting severe storm surges in northern Germany.

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